Clinical Psychology Blog

"The mind is like an iceberg, it floats with one-seventh of its bulk above water."

Sigmund Freud

Christopher Laundy Christopher Laundy

How to Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a skill, it’s a practice – which means it needs practice. And thankfully, with time – and patience – Mindfulness becomes easier, less awkward, less effortful, more natural and people can enjoy the host of benefits associated with mindfulness.

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Christopher Laundy Christopher Laundy

Benefits of Mindfulness

When it comes to mental health, Mindfulness might be the most important skill we ever learn. Big statement, I know, but it’s hard to argue with the wealth of clinical and scientific research that attests to its salubrious qualities. Let’s go through each of them.

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Christopher Laundy Christopher Laundy

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness has exploded in recent decades. From an ancient eastern tradition to a well-being staple, Mindfulness has flooded the collective consciousness. But what is Mindfulness?

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Christopher Laundy Christopher Laundy

How to Stress Less - Breathing

To say we live in a fast-paced world is to say virtually nothing. Compared to our ancestors, we run around like headless chooks, hell to leather, all day, every day. We do so much and never having enough time. And all that comes at a price – stress.

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Christopher Laundy Christopher Laundy

What is CBT? (Part 1)

Backed by extensive research and empirical evidence, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) stands out as the gold standard for many mental health issues. But what is CBT?

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Christopher Laundy Christopher Laundy

Secrets of Self Control

‘The only thing I can’t resist is temptation’ (Oscar Wilde).

As humans, we love control, and yet we often suck at controlling the one thing we can control – ourselves.

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Christopher Laundy Christopher Laundy

The Function of Emotions.

Everybody knows emotions are universal, biologically hard-wired, and ultimately unavoidable. But why do we even have emotions in the first place?

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Christopher Laundy Christopher Laundy

Emotional Avoidance

Nobody likes painful emotions, and no wonder - they hurt! And because they hurt, people are often very good at avoiding them. However, there is often a steep price to be paid for emotional avoidance. Read what Clinical Psychologist, Chris Laundy, writes about emotional avoidance.

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Christopher Laundy Christopher Laundy

Exposure Therapy

Let’s be real - anxiety sucks. It can creep up slowly or strike like thunder. It can be powerful, debilitating, and all-consuming. Thankfully, Exposure Therapy can help.

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